“Many people have no idea how fragile their existence really is. How quickly you can fall through the ice in a realistic perspective without any prospect of improvement."

“Many people have no idea how fragile their existence really is. How quickly you can fall through the ice in a realistic perspective without any prospect of improvement.

Take me as an example: I worked as a consultant for one of the largest companies in the Netherlands and abroad and had a life that many people would envy. However, because of bad decisions, everything slipped through my fingers. Like holding fine sand.

In 2019 I returned to live in the Netherlands. I knew my financial problems were going to catch up with me. I was afraid of being deported because my papers had expired. Friends and family offered their support and housing, but I refused to accept.

The paradox is that I worked in homeless shelters when I still lived in the USA. The environment is full of extremes and not for the weak-hearted. Sometimes during my shift, there were overdoses, fights, and everything in between. I loved it.

And then suddenly I was homeless. My existence, full of ambition and dreams, suddenly had to switch to survival mode. It was the only way to cope with this new world. For the record; being in survival mode means your life is on the line. You never know who you’re dealing with; everything and everyone. The stress levels are sky-high and the valleys are unmatched in depth. The lowest low in my life.

It’s incredibly difficult to keep the road ahead in your sights when your environment is riddled with negativity. This frustrated me and often my situation was blurred and I didn’t have a direction to keep on track.

I became anxious and aggressive. I needed to refocus. I needed to use my accumulated negative energy in a different way. When I was working with homeless people in the US, I lectured them about being focused and not let changes in your plans or goals deter you. So, look in the mirror (your portrait) and think ‘practice what you preach’.

So I did.”


The photos, interviews, and film recordings were made during a period when Kenneth was homeless.

In the meantime, he is doing much better. Kenneth fought back in a relatively short period of time. He has his finances in order, obtained the right papers, and most importantly; he has a house again. Kenneth has a very good relationship with his children and his ex-partners.

When Kenneth was homeless he kept giving other people advice, and he still does it now.